Volunteer Spotlight for Zoo & Aquarium Month

Volunteer Spotlight for Zoo & Aquarium Month

Volunteer and child smiling at the camera while the volunteer holds an exotic lizard

Jennie Waldrop

Zoos and aquariums have some of the most unique volunteering opportunities around. At the Baton Rouge Zoo, our volunteers are able to use their unique skills and talents to help the Zoo achieve its mission. What better time to give special recognition to our dedicated volunteers and volunteer coordinator than during Zoo and Aquarium month!

Meet Jennie Waldrop. Jennie has been volunteering at the Baton Rouge Zoo for nearly a year. You will often find her out in the zoo with the ambassador animals. Jennie is very knowledgeable about the animals and is great at teaching the kids about them!

Young person in volunteer collared shirt smiling at camera

Lauren Strope

Meet Lauren Strope. Lauren has been a volunteer at the Baton Rouge Zoo one and a half years. Lauren assists our education team by cleaning their offices and ambassador animal housing facilities once a week. She also helps to prepare the animal’s meals for the week. Lauren’s help goes a long way to help the educators keep their programs running smoothly for field trips, zoomobiles, safari nights, and more!

Three banded armadillo

Max, the Three-Banded Armadillo. Volunteers like Jennie & Lauren must learn how to safely handle our ambassador animals.

Volunteer explaining animal bones to a child

Mark Antoine

Volunteer holding ply wood

Richard Hirsh

Dodi smiling for the camera

Dodi Falcon

Meet Mark Antoine. Mark has been a volunteer at the Baton Rouge Zoo for three years. Mark is a true honorary keeper as he assists the hoof stock team every week with feeding, cleaning their yards, and whatever needs to be done!

Meet Richard Hirsh. Richard has been a volunteer at the Baton Rouge Zoo for 4 years. Richard uses his carpentry skills to build perches, steps and even enrichment activities for many of the animals and their exhibits at the zoo.

And meet our volunteer coordinator, Dodi Falcon! Dodi works with everyone at the zoo to ensure they have the assistance needed for animal care, special events, education encounters, and more! She previously worked for the Baton Rouge Zoo for 3 years, moved away for a few years and made her way back to the us this March. Volunteers at the Zoo engage with animals and connect with nature in an extraordinary way that many people do not have the opportunity to do. It’s a fulfilling experience that not only makes increases happiness levels in our volunteers, but it makes a positive impact on zoo staff and visitors, as well. Now, that’s what we call giving back!